Wednesday, June 17, 2009

thx !!

just now our padang polo BB got a small meeting and planed to prepare a present for our guru penasihat- miss. khaw

our final answer is to do performance for miss. khaw and singing..
but many members do their things not join our small meeting..
I also saw people at there sleep..

I saw Daniel look very disappointed and unhappy...
because their attitude not good..
I want to say sorry and thank you to all BB helper or officer..
cause u all help us, teaches us and made us happy..
all u all do is good for us..
but some members cannot understand..

so I must say THANK YOU to u all..
Altought their attitude bad..
but u all still continue teach and help us..

W/O Daniel, W/O Joyce, S/sgt. Eunice, Sgt. Jonathan, Sgt. Lee Khiy Wei, Cpl. Soon Yau, L/cpl. Tan Wei Sin and L/cpl. Vendy


2 评论:

Eunice said...

Awh~~~ =]

Janice said...

hehe ^^
really de..
want to thank you u all..
u all so good..