Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
anchor star
2day our boy's brigade hv "anchor star"
anchor star is a singing competition..
the honest judges:
W/O Joyce Yeap
W/O Christine Hng
W/O Daniel Chooi
S/sgt Eunice Wan
the song that I want to sing is Miley Cyrus- The Climb
I really overstrain liao..
before i sing..
i sit at the chair that they arranged..
i feel fright..
but when i'm stand at the stage and sing..
i feel relax and didn't scare anythings..
cause all the judges are my sisters and brother..
all contestants are required to stand on the platform
and then ps.joshua gv an envelope to no.1-no.18 contestants..
Eunice gv envelope to no. 19-32 contestants
the atmosphere is very tense
I get the "congratz" envelope.. =)
so when I knew that I in top 10 liao..
I was very happy.. ^^
happy to ear to ear..
actually.. my mum don't know I join anchor star..
I only tell her I want to go for games day..
when I reach home..
I search for the right time
only I tell her..
she was so suprise.. haha XD
cause she not believe I'll in final be4 that..
so I succeeded liao..
all people also know liao..
"I can Sing!!"
The Top 10:
Qiu Yin
Wei Chee
Me (Xin Mei)
Sim Lynn
Soon Yau
Soo Min
Jun Kai
Congratulation ya.. =)
This time I can in final
the first one I must thanks is my brother..
second is my bro and sis at my second family..
they encourage me when I'm down, scare and overstrain..
thank you !!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
2day my friend-chuah ying told me that
I'm become happy than last time liao wor..
last time when i still don't know HQ..
I'm very sad, shy and doesn't know how to communicate with other people.
But 2day so happy..
we all see the changes i..
become happy.. friendly.. and learn to be a good leader..
but now..
not me change only..
chuah ying also change liao..
after go to HQ 2 times..
she become happy, crasy,
and she has become very frank..
HQ has change our life!!
hope this big family can continue got new members join us..
thx GOD!!
to give me a chance to go to HQ..
and change my life!!
Friday, July 3, 2009
12 times go to see doctor..
2day walk to see doctor by myself again..
doctor said me swollen nose meat..
so that i always difficulty in breathing..
2day finally know the answer aldy..
and also must very take care my stomach aldy..
If not will have hole at my stomach..
doctor also said that if this two thing is getting serious..
maybe i need to operate.. (need to spend many money again.. ==" haiz..)
so dread.. :''(
doctor also give me many medicine..
there're 5 types of medicine..
so many..
and also..
very expensive...
really ..
bankruptcy aldy...
no other chooce liao la..
pray for me la...
hehe ^_^
Thursday, June 25, 2009
2day is the 11th of 2009 i go to see doctor..
2day i walk to see doctor myself..
doctor say me must start take care my stomach aldy..
if not will hv a hole at my stomach..
doctor gv me many medicine..
see 1 time doctor nia aldy spend RM48..
so expensive..
but no choose la..
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
thx !!
just now our padang polo BB got a small meeting and planed to prepare a present for our guru penasihat- miss. khaw
our final answer is to do performance for miss. khaw and singing..
but many members do their things not join our small meeting..
I also saw people at there sleep..
I saw Daniel look very disappointed and unhappy...
because their attitude not good..
I want to say sorry and thank you to all BB helper or officer..
cause u all help us, teaches us and made us happy..
all u all do is good for us..
but some members cannot understand..
so I must say THANK YOU to u all..
Altought their attitude bad..
but u all still continue teach and help us..
W/O Daniel, W/O Joyce, S/sgt. Eunice, Sgt. Jonathan, Sgt. Lee Khiy Wei, Cpl. Soon Yau, L/cpl. Tan Wei Sin and L/cpl. Vendy
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
cooking competition..
Monday, June 1, 2009
thank you very much!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
So good that exam finish already...
so sad that I'm sick when exam..
I have difficulty in breathing...
doctor say me have too much pressure..
oh my god!!
difficulty in breathing from the first day of the exam until now...
still unhealthy..
hope can get more relax at this holiday... and quickly solve this problem...
hope everybody can have a happy and enjoyable holiday... ^^
Friday, May 8, 2009
my life.. =="